Friday, January 29, 2010

Martial moogling.

Sometimes I feel like a moogle. In case you don't know what that is, is a video game character that is cute and gives you items. Except I feel like someone whose job it is to give techniques and kata and act all cute and cheery. These kids don't know how lucky they are learning some of this stuff. I remember when I started aiki class that Applebee's Guy was an ikkyu. He started when he was twelve (he was 19 when I started). I never appreciated it until we started getting some rat bastar- I'm sorry, I mention little angels- in our aiki class. We have this one kid who won't EVER shut up, and Snotshadow won't work with guys (98% of our class). It's rather funny. Somehow I became the- "hey, what's that move?" sensei. I guess it's a niche. Just don't touch my pompom, kupo.

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