Friday, January 29, 2010

Martial moogling.

Sometimes I feel like a moogle. In case you don't know what that is, is a video game character that is cute and gives you items. Except I feel like someone whose job it is to give techniques and kata and act all cute and cheery. These kids don't know how lucky they are learning some of this stuff. I remember when I started aiki class that Applebee's Guy was an ikkyu. He started when he was twelve (he was 19 when I started). I never appreciated it until we started getting some rat bastar- I'm sorry, I mention little angels- in our aiki class. We have this one kid who won't EVER shut up, and Snotshadow won't work with guys (98% of our class). It's rather funny. Somehow I became the- "hey, what's that move?" sensei. I guess it's a niche. Just don't touch my pompom, kupo.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Renew the Roo.

Other than being totally broke, nothing much has changed. Head Sensei has been going on a renovation spree, and so now we have a men's changing room and a new paint job. Next we will be revamping the downstairs so we could have a kobudo class, which we never had room for before. So, life is okay now.

I have been trying to pass the torch to my kohai, as my sempai have done for me, but nobody apparently wants it. Goth Kid is our next in line for sho-dan in Aiki, and he (along with everyone else) doesn't study at all nor come to class on time. As for karate, it's tournament time so everything is at a stand-still. I started learning Seipai, but ten other people want kata for the tourney. Ugh.

The hardest part about recent event is what is happening with my future. I have to put school ahead of all else, and even those plans aren't set in stone. And then there is Batta. That's another matter entirely for which I don't want to get into. I have been at this school for almost ten years, and yet, if I were to leave in May like I am planning, it wouldn't take long for my impression to be wiped away. That's the law of the land, really, but it does make me sad.

I can only take charge of what I have control of, so I am attempting to fight my depression with kata and P90X. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January Slumps...and bumps

Training has been, strange? I have kept busy with kata and teaching. The attendance is starting to thin out again, which is good. Head sensei went on a refurbishing spree. He built up the male changing room, painted the dojo two different colors, and is making plans to build a studio space in the basement- all while class was in session. And he wonders how he ended up with stones?

I've been trying to nudge people back into being excited abou aiki and iai class. The aiki class suddenly has made the realization that two times a week is not enough for the class, and requested a third class, which Head sensei agreed upon. He also wants to have a weapons class. Wee. Other than that, people are starting to gear up for the tourney.

This is normally the time I make resolutions. I restarted P90X, and am already falling off the horse. I think I should stick to yoga and running.  I do need a job though. That's a good resolution.