Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Club Soda not Seals

Batta and I discovered what the end result would be if you gave a padded weapon to an overstressed chiro. student- clubbing. At least, that's what we call improper use of a goshinken stick. Poor Batta was so excited over his first rank in iai (yay!) that he jumped at the opportunity to spar me on monday. The former boxer that he is, he still is in the mindset that harder is better, and after Head Sensei scolded him for hitting too hard and not making proper cuts, Batta bought me ice cream and all is forgiven.

I have started to learn kururunfa, but to no avail, because now every other monday there's a blackbelt weapons class that Head Sensei runs during regular class and we get stuck with Happy. Argh...argh...ARGH. Happy cannot teach adults- enough said. He'd be overjoyed to teach little kids because anyone over the age of 4 can tell he doesn't practice. Half of the time he doesn't know his upper level stuff, and the stuff he does know enough to teach, he does wrong. And his grasp on anatomy and Japanese.....*shutter*.
I don't know when to expect my black belt test to be. It very well could happen that with school and Lurch and Frankenstein on my heels, that they could test first- which is just as well- I don't want to share my special day anyway.

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