Thursday, May 01, 2008

Times, they are a training...again

Like I said, much has happened. This is part two.

You know when May hits, that things around school pick up again. The tournament is over, and rankings begin again. People start going on vacations, we start thinking about cutting goza. The cahnge around the school itself is big. We got two new flooring sections; one wood, one (not so) squishy mat squares. The wood is slippery, gets dirty easily, and has the kids trying to stomp their feet in an effort to make the loudest noise possible. The mats are coated in something extra slippery. Goth kid took a mile slide when we threw him. They also stink like new car- not that it's a bad smell, but it's pungent. I have to say it does look nice though.

The biggest change is that head honcho sensei has retired his head honcho-y title. He'll still be around, misspelling Japanese and driving us crazy with his 20,000 move reperetoire, no doubt. The number one guy took his title, and Head sensei has a new title- but it means nothing in the scope of this blog. He is still our Head Sensei :)

The kamidana is going to be moved to new wall, which means instead of saying "joseki, rei." we'll have to say something else....if that's what'll happen. Oh, and by the way- I got my last stripe! YAY! *happy Josie dance!* That means I am now an ikkyu, and will now being training for black belt. Yay!

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