Saturday, February 24, 2007

So tired...bork.

I am very tired. I had bronchitis, so I missed a week of classes. I went back last Wednesday, and I could barely make it through aiki. Today, I was pooped at aiki, exhausted and confused in karate, and half asleep in iai. I explained that I was pretty much over it, but I couldn't shake the fatigue. My sword sensei told me to keep pushing fluids and eat. Mmm. Cookies for medicine.

I'm currently working on nijushiho (24 steps, or duplication of 4 cardinal points, depending on who you ask). I learned all the steps on Wednesday, and today had three people helping me on it. Kata is something you should stick with one person on. Listening to three people give their interpretations gave me a headache, and finally I had enough for one day. Hopefully, when I get better, I'll be able to concentrate.

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