Saturday, February 10, 2007

Purple People Eating, and Being all Smart...and Stuff

It's the year of the boar, and I am a boar baby. Ironically, this pig looks an awful lot like my mom's beagle. It is supposed to be a year of prosperity, and so far, it lives up to that. I got my purple belt- yay! Woot! *happy Josie dance* I feel okay about it- I really didn't get tested, which was kind of a let-down, but at least I outrank the greenies now, and I can hold so kind of leverage on them until they all turn into purple people eaters.

I like it when I feel useful and smart. I had that opportunity at the blackbelt meeting up at the hombu. Pretty much all the blackbelts were there. It was cold, the floor was wet, and everyone had that "I didn't drink enough coffee" look on their faces. I got to stand up and suggest that a pronunciation guide be put in our manuals, so students could better study vocabulary. Everyone thought it was a good idea. I feel so smart *beem*. And, I am happy to report I did not lock myself in the women's changing room. After the meeting the three senseis I rode up with and I stopped at Wegman's and ate sushi. Mmm. Sushi.

This week I have been meaning to get out my sword, but the weather has just been too bad. Plus, I have had a lot of homework I keep putting off. But I did do something constructive today. I introduced a sensei's small child to sword class. She liked it. She was actually pretty good for a seven year old. Luckily, this sensei has enough mind to make her wait a year or two, when she actually has arms instead of stubs. It was quite cute though.

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