Wednesday, April 08, 2009

A Bail-out Nobody Wants

I'm renaming Doppelganger- she does not look like me anymore, nor is she particularly interesting anymore now that she thinks she is queen of the universe. I will call her by a name that suit her- Bailout. Why Bailout? Because when it is her turn to do something hard like teach warm ups or get thrown by a technique she doesn't like, she bails out. It was either that, or Tonfa Dropper. But that name could easily be confused with Wheezy Kid.

The class dynamic has been about the same- more yellows and orangies now, but just as many new white belts. I had no idea we had this many kids in our neighborhood. Perhaps our school is "recession proof"- or at the least, cheaper than daycare. We have a couple of white belts I will call Weebles, because they roll with so incredible ease compared to some upper belts I know. They are pretty decent listeners too. There's a group of yellow-bellies I call Pitbulls for their sparring skill. Other than that, Fubar is still useless, Snot and Snotshadow are still kinda "there", and the black belt children still suck. Not to worry- Sprinkles will kill them all :)

I haven't be writing much because I'm in the process of losing my job (they keep slicing my hours...excpet on Easter) and my jaw was messed up for three weeks. I was in horrible pain, and on ibuprofen which put me to sleep. That makes preparing for the tourney really hard. Never theless, I have been drilling the oar kata. It's been fun, and I think I'm headed in the right direction.

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