Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy 100th post!

Yay! I did it! I've actually kept up a blog!

I've been taking time to re-evaluate what black belt means for me. To be so close to my test date is unnerving. I feel (as dumb as this sounds, that an end is coming. I'm almost grieving in a sense. I don't really know why- I have been a "sensei" since 2006, and I have always been conscious of the fact the color of belt is no indication of the amount of respect you deserve. But, in any case, I do feel an odd sense of "finally...I am here."

I have lots of plans for after my test. I want to concentrate on helping Batta get up to as high as he wants to get, and helping his friend (whom is starting on Saturday- I'll think of a name) in sword. I also want to try to encourage the adults on our class to stay....even Goth Kid *argh*. I'm not sure much will change after I get black belt. I imagine it won't, but it's nice to have a pat on the back once in a while.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Happy Tanabata!

I have done this holiday for 2 years now- not sure if it's helped spark the kiddies into being appreciative of other cultures, was a mild success. I had a head start on the origami, and the dorayaki was made way easier thanks to pre-made mini pancakes...yum. And once again. I forgot to take pictures. Bah.

Karate and school have been at odds quite a bit, and my slow-healing toe is not making things easier. I study in chunks when I can. And now that it's stopped raining every day and the weather is actually quite nice, I have been getting out with my sword. It's been relaxing, even if I can't get out of iai goshi without pain :).

Being away from martial arts during the week has left me out of the loop for most things. Doc is supposed to be testing for shodan but Head Sensei was reviewing Sneezy too- not sure if this means he's testing...I'll have to mak another stamp (urgh).